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Phrase 与 Zendesk 的集成


Zendesk integration visual | Phrase
Huawei logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Uber logo | Phrase
Lionbridge logo in color | Phrase
Zendesk logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Fujifilm logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Decathlon logo | Phrase
Deliveroo logo | Phrase
Skoda logo | Phrase
Personio logo | Phrase
Shopify logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Snowflake logo | Phrase
PEGA logo
Electrolux logo
Puma logo | Phrase


在 Zendesk 里使用 Phrase 推进项目和拉取翻译,节约成本,提高效率。

Zendesk and Phrase integration workflow visual | Phrase


不是所有内容都需要人工翻译。译后编辑机器翻译结果能够为您节省 55% 的成本(数据来源:CSA)。Phrase 会自动评估机器翻译的质量,译员只需审校质量欠佳的句段。


Machine Translation Post Editing visual | Phrase


及时更新多语言支持内容。您更新帮助中心内容后,Phrase 就会自动开始翻译流程。

Workflow automation visual | Phrase

数说 Phrase

支持 500 多种语言
平均每月处理 20 多亿字
全球用户超过 20 万
支持 50 余种文件类型

Using the Phrase integration for Zendesk has resulted in a huge reduction of admin tasks and saves us a lot of time. The connector has completely automated the translation of our support content into 13 languages and has made the whole translation process faster and easier.

Annalisa Barbaglia | Alexander Ekhilevskiy

Localization Manager | Senior Localization Program Manager

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Leveraging machine translation with Phrase, we were able to achieve a 200% increase in the languages available in our help center. This has helped us stay ahead of our product team—when mobile app stores started requiring localized documentation, we were ready. With innovative features like MT Autoselect, we are confident that we are always leveraging the best possible engine for each translation—whether it’s our games, marketing material, or documentation.

Jeremy Fair

Director of Localization & Business Systems

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