Phrase Orchestrator 是全球领先的自动化工具,让用户可以轻松

无需代码(或雇佣开发团队),您可以使用拖拽功能轻松在 Phrase Localization Platform
产品间打造复杂工作流。您还可以在 Phrase Orchestrator 里轻松查看和操控所有流程、


无需使用代码或雇佣昂贵的开发团队,本地化人员通过拖拽即可在 Phrase Orchestrator 中操作工作流,大大节省了时间,减少了团队沟通自动化需求时出错的几率。(Orchestrator 让很多语言专家尝到了自由的滋味,让他们能够将自己规划的工作流付诸于现实。)


用户可以在 Phrase Orchestrator 中无限创建各种工作流场景,并设置智能触发条件,这样无需代码即可触发“创建工作”、“更新键”等操作。您还可以设置特定 QA 警告自动触发审校、将完成后的工作自动导出至 GitHub、自动化伪本地化流程,或自动通过 Slack 推送通知。Orchestrator 的潜力无限,为您提供好用但不打折的功能。



Orchestrator 模板助您开启自动化之旅

Phrase Orchestrator 为您精心准备了多种工作流模板,是我们根据与上千家企业合作的经验挑选出最常见的场景,帮助您从零开始自动化之旅。团队可以先从模板开始积累使用经验,再过渡到根据需求修改和创建属于自己的工作流。



自定义 QA 流程

自定义工作流时,您可以设置额外的保险,例如设置当出现某些 QA 警告时,自动触发审校或通知译员。

Orchestrator 赋能跨国旅行

Phrase Orchestrator 的用户中,有一家全球领先的旅游公司,业务横跨 40 个国家和地区,涉及 20 种语言。这家公司在 Phrase Orchestrator 的帮助下彻底革新了本地化流程。在短短的 3 个月内,审校用时缩短了 70%,内容产出提高了 100%。点开客户故事了解更多。

We’ve always wanted a workflow that’s highly automated, efficient, and cost-effective. Phrase Orchestrator and its library function fit the bill.

Phrase customer from the travel industry

In just 30 minutes, with Phrase Orchestrator the localization team can set up a new workflow and go straight into production in minutes. This previously took hours or even days and involved developers.

Phrase customer from the travel industry

Phrase Orchestrator provides the means to achieve more with less, and at a faster pace.

Phrase customer from the travel industry

Puma logo | Phrase
Zendesk logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Shopify logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Snowflake logo | Phrase


February cadence launch press release featured image | Phrase


Phrase Sets New Standard in Localization With Wave of Releases Including Phrase Orchestrator and New Phrase Analytics

Latest launches from Phrase are set to dramatically change the localization landscape.

Webinar featured post image | Phrase


Setting a new standard in localization: Introducing Phrase Orchestrator

Presenting Phrase Orchestrator! The workflow automation solution that sets a new standard in localization. Find out how it unlocks powerful customized automations across the Phrase Suite.

Orchestrator blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

Automate Localization with Phrase Orchestrator: As Simple as Drag-and-Drop

Discover how the powerful workflow automation solution for the Phrase Suite can help you easily automate localization processes tailored to your needs.

Headshots of Danielle McDowall and Chistin Stehn | Phrase


Introducing the enhanced and even more intuitive Phrase Orchestrator

We’ve made our cutting-edge workflow automation solution even more accessible. Discover how you can effortlessly build, customize, and run workflows to meet your needs.

New releases drive forward AI, Scalability, and Workflow for unparalleled hyperautomation in localization


Phrase 推出更多 AI 功能,加速本地化的超级自动化

新发布的功能推动了 AI、规模化应用和工作流的发展,引领本地化领域超级自动化。


AI 技术在本地化领域的应用

为您带来最新行业动态,深入探讨 AI 技术在翻译和本地化领域的最新应用,以及Phrase如何借助AI技术进一步推动翻译技术的发展。

Stakeholder management blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

如何营销一款产品:吸引新客户的 10 条推广策略

