Comprehensive quality assurance

QA plays a crucial role in any translation workflow. Give your translators all the tools they need to produce the highest quality translations, and all stakeholders across your enterprise confidence that their brand and messaging resonates in every channel and market.

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Robust QA for Phrase TMS

Raise the bar for the quality of your translation projects.

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High quality, consistent translations

Make sure that your brand assets and messaging are always translated the same way. Define important brand terminology in a term base and automatically insert them into the translation. Translation memories store past translations so you can reuse them wherever possible. Customers say that reused text from translation memories result in an 80% reduction in project turnaround time.

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Faster time to market

Leveraging high-quality machine translation (MT) has never been easier. Phrase’s AI-powered MT autoselect finds the optimal engine for each translation job, and shows translators which segments need editing. Filter out perfect translations to reduce post-editing costs and deliver translations faster.

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Tailored language quality assessment

Automated QA can easily detect errors, but LQA goes a step further to monitor translation errors and assess overall translation quality and performance. As a human review based on the DQF-MQM terminology framework, LQA provides detailed feedback to translators via an LQA scorecard. LQA is completely customizable—enterprises can tailor the severity and types of errors flagged, and implement pass/fail thresholds in line with their quality standards.

Comprehensive QA for Phrase Strings

Ensure translators follow your syntax, key specifications, and preferred messaging across all of your mobile apps, websites, and other software products.

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Ensure consistency

Add style guides to projects so that translators always follow your brand’s preferences. Built-in previews and screenshots give translators all of the contextual information they need in real-time.

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Review workflows

Depending on your translation quality requirements, you can set up advanced workflows to ensure that all of your keys have been reviewed by a second translator.

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Create custom QA checks

Custom settings for QA checks allow you to specify maximum key length, so you can prevent translators from surpassing the maximum character limit. Check if translators are using placeholders correctly, and make sure that all of your brand-specific terms are being used correctly before translations are submitted. Save translations only once your QA preferences have been met.

A seamless localization experience

Whatever your workflow looks like, Phrase can adapt to it.

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Send translation tasks to Phrase without leaving Figma and easily retrieve final translations.

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Reduce the number of support tickets and better aid international customers by translating your categories, dynamic content, published articles, and sections.

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Translate all text and rich text fields in your nested entry-level and field-level content models.

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Translate at the design stage by moving content directly between Sketch for Mac and Phrase.

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Phrase by the numbers

reduction in project turnaround time
with translation memory usage

automated workflows

supported languages

Language quality assessment plays an important role in our QA strategy because it helps us abide by ISO 17100 standards. The exportable LQA scorecard is a standout feature and a valuable visual tool as it allows our project managers and language leads to send professional, objective feedback to freelance translators. It also helps us impartially resolve internal and external complaints.

Horacio Carman

Excecutive Director of Client Services

For us at GameHouse, with improved terminology consistency and translation quality, Phrase essentially pays for itself.

Tommy Nordkvist

Head of Game Operations

We chose Phrase at Bohemia Interactive because it does exactly what we need, and for a fair price. We benefit mainly from the translation memory and fuzzy matches, which not only help to increase the quality and overall consistency of our output but also help us to optimize costs.

Vojtěch Schubert

Localization Producer

Here to field your questions on translation quality assurance

Do both Phrase Strings and Phrase TMS have in-context preview?

Yes, both tools have in-context preview, so that translators can see exactly how their translations will look while they’re working.

What is the best way to share LQA feedback with translators?

The LQA scorecard shows a transparent and complete overview of the assessment including the overall score, weighted scoring, error category, and details of the corrected target translation. The scorecard can be exported as a spreadsheet and can be emailed to translators after the job is completed. Linguists can also download the LQA scorecard themselves.

How can I achieve high-quality machine translation results?

You can start with MT glossaries. Customize machine translation by uploading your preferred translations for terms that are important to you. That way, your terminology is respected during machine translation.

The keys to unlocking language

How to translate a web page blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Translate a Web Page: Top 3 Website Translation Methods to Use

Explore the best options for translating a web page in your preferred browser or on your mobile device, and learn more about how to translate an entire site of your own.

Translation workflow automation blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Automate Your Translation Workflow: A Phrase Guide

The secret to faster global expansion lies in automating translation workflows to suit your business. Dive deeper into how the Phrase Localization Platform can help you unlock it.

Translation management blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

Translation Technology: A Look at Its Past, Present, and Future

Learn all about the evolution of translation technology, how it can help growing companies expand globally, and how to choose the right translation technology provider for your needs.

Translation management blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

CAT Tools: Unlocking the Potential of Computer-Assisted Translation for Global Growth

Learn why growing businesses utilize a computer-assisted translation tool for global expansion, what benefits it offers, and how to select the best CAT tool.

gaming visual with Unity logo


Localiza videojuegos a otro nivel: automatiza y adapta tus proyectos con la integración nativa de Unity y Phrase

Descubre cómo crear experiencias de juego de alta calidad y centradas en el jugador en su idioma nativo. Automatiza la traducción, elimina los errores y acelera el tiempo de salida al mercado sin tiempo de desarrollo adicional. ¡Regístrate ya para que tu juego triunfe en todo el mundo!

Want to find out more?