全面质量保证 (QA)

QA 在翻译工作流中的重要性不可小觑。为您的译员提供其需要的所有工具,最大程度确保上乘的翻译质量;同时也让公司上下所有利益相关方对多语言内容的质量放心,保护品牌形象和品牌信息的准确性。

QA check visual | Phrase

Phrase TMS 强大的 QA 功能


QA icon | Phrase


确保您的品牌资源和信息翻译的一致性。在术语库中添加关键品牌术语,实现翻译时自动插入。翻译记忆库能够保存过往翻译结果,供您随时查阅和使用。我们的用户反馈翻译记忆库匹配功能将平均交付时间加快了 80%。

Lightning bolt icon | Phrase


轻松借机器翻译创造高品质翻译。Phrase 运用人工智能 (AI),为当前的翻译项目自动选择最佳的翻译引擎,并为译员标注重点关注句段。Phrase 会自动判断机器翻译结果质量的好坏,这样译员只需编辑质量欠佳的句段,降低译后编辑成本,提高交付速度。

Automation icon | Phrase

自定义语言质量评估 (LQA)

相比检测翻译问题的 QA,LQA 则更进一步检查翻译中出现的错误,评估整体的翻译质量与译员的表现。鉴于人工审校是基于动态质量框架 (DQF) 和多维度质量指数 (MQM) 术语框架进行的,LQA 以记分卡的形式为译员提供详细反馈。用户还可自定义 LQA。企业用户可以设置评估的范围和严重性,并根据自己的质量要求设置及格分数。

Phrase Strings 全面的 QA 功能

确保译员在翻译您的手机 app、网站和其他软件产品时遵循您的语法、关键要求和语言风格。

QA icon | Phrase


添加项目风格指南,确保译员翻译的文本符合您的品牌调性。Phrase Strings 内置的预览和截图功能为译员提供了参考,可实时查看当前句段的语境。

Lightning bolt icon | Phrase



Automation icon | Phrase

自定义 QA

您可以自定义 QA,设置句段的长度上限,避免多语言文本超出字数上限。还可以检查译员是否正确使用占位符,并确保所有品牌相关的术语翻译的准确性,在提交译文前把好最后一道关。QA 通过后,译文才算过关。


无论您采用什么样的工作流,Phrase 都可以与之无缝衔接。

Figma icon | Phrase


直接从 Figma 向 Phrase 发送翻译任务,轻松同步译文。

Zendesk icon | Phrase



Contentful icon | Phrase



WordPress icon | Phrase


轻松在 Mac 版 Sketch 和 Phrase 之间传输内容,设计阶段搞定翻译。

Deliveroo logo | Phrase
Puma logo | Phrase
Zendesk logo colored for logo banner | Phrase
Decathlon logo | Phrase

数说 Phrase

交付时间缩短 80%


支持 500 多种语言

Language quality assessment plays an important role in our QA strategy because it helps us abide by ISO 17100 standards. The exportable LQA scorecard is a standout feature and a valuable visual tool as it allows our project managers and language leads to send professional, objective feedback to freelance translators. It also helps us impartially resolve internal and external complaints.

Horacio Carman

Excecutive Director of Client Services

For us at GameHouse, with improved terminology consistency and translation quality, Phrase essentially pays for itself.

Tommy Nordkvist

Head of Game Operations

We chose Phrase at Bohemia Interactive because it does exactly what we need, and for a fair price. We benefit mainly from the translation memory and fuzzy matches, which not only help to increase the quality and overall consistency of our output but also help us to optimize costs.

Vojtěch Schubert

Localization Producer


Phrase Strings 和 Phrase TMS 都有上下文预览吗?


如何跟译员分享 LQA 反馈?

LQA 记分卡开诚布公地向译员展示了全面的评估结果,包括了总得分、加权得分、错误类别和修改后的译文。您可以将记分卡导出为电子表格,并在翻译工作完成后通过电子邮件发送给相关译员。译员也可自行下载 LQA 记分卡。




How to translate a web page blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Translate a Web Page: Top 3 Website Translation Methods to Use

Explore the best options for translating a web page in your preferred browser or on your mobile device, and learn more about how to translate an entire site of your own.

Translation workflow automation blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Automate Your Translation Workflow: A Phrase Guide

The secret to faster global expansion lies in automating translation workflows to suit your business. Dive deeper into how the Phrase Localization Platform can help you unlock it.

Translation management blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

Translation Technology: A Look at Its Past, Present, and Future

Learn all about the evolution of translation technology, how it can help growing companies expand globally, and how to choose the right translation technology provider for your needs.

Translation management blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

CAT Tools: Unlocking the Potential of Computer-Assisted Translation for Global Growth

Learn why growing businesses utilize a computer-assisted translation tool for global expansion, what benefits it offers, and how to select the best CAT tool.



针对中国医药企业出海业务,AI 翻译技术将如何赋能专利与药品的本地化? 如果您对此话题感兴趣,欢迎观看直播分享!
