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翻译管理系统(TMS)让采购专业翻译服务变得简单。用传统的方式追踪修改、邮件收发文件,无法确保翻译使用了哪些语言资源,增加了翻译质量评估难度。在 Phrase 的帮助下,您不但可以直接购买专业的翻译服务,还可以实时查看项目进展和数据。

用 Phrase TMS 管理翻译服务

用 Phrase TMS 管理翻译服务商不仅省心,还省钱。




告别邮件对接,共享项目即可搞定一切。设置项目接单先到先得、工作流 100% 自动化,迅速将新任务分配给服务商。


在 Phrase 里为译员提供上下文预览、回复问题、提供反馈,最大程度确保翻译质量。


精确计算需要翻译的字数。Phrase 可以精准识别不需要翻译的内容,如原文中的非译元素及与翻译记忆库和术语库相匹配的内容,并依此计算各家服务商相应语言对的价格。在翻译过程中,Phrase 还会监控机器翻译的使用。


Phrase 支持一键下单翻译服务。我们为您甄选了多家高质量语言服务商,并将它们的服务整合到了 Phrase 平台中。无论字数多少,您只需动动手指,即可下单专业翻译服务。这个功能非常适合没有专门聘请本地化经理与翻译服务商对接的中型企业。

数说 Phrase

服务商采用 Phrase TMS



We’re producing over 20 emails a week, and the platform ensures every single one is on-brand, localized, and responsive, without any engineering effort.

Megan Walsh

Global Head of Lifecycle Marketing

What3Words explored multiple localization solutions, but Phrase emerged as the indisputable frontrunner. Thanks to Phrase we have more control over our timelines. The languages team turns around a localization request in about a week, and this is never in doubt.

Jamie Brown

Jamie Brown

Chief Languages Services Officer at what3words

Phrase has become an indispensable part of our localization strategy at BlaBlaCar. Our plans include scaling the range of materials localized within the Phrase platform, particularly our help center and customer relationship content. This in turn will bolster business, improve customer satisfaction, and drive loyalty. This strategic shift reflects the efficiency gains we’ve achieved through Phrase and our commitment to delivering top-quality services to our customers globally through streamlined translation and localization processes.

Simon Rimbert

Simon Rimbert

Senior Localization Project Manager at BlaBlaCar


Phrase 有自己的翻译团队吗?

Phrase 在翻译服务商方面保持中立。您可以在 Phrase 的平台上与任何一家翻译服务商对接,共享项目。我们也为您整合了一些翻译服务商的服务,您可一键下单翻译服务

我可以在 Phrase TMS 和 Phrase Strings 里下单专业翻译服务吗?



您可以在我们客户故事的界面找到 Phrase 合作的翻译服务商。您还可以直接咨询我们的客户成功团队,我们会根据您的需求为您推荐。


How to translate a web page blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Translate a Web Page: Top 3 Website Translation Methods to Use

Explore the best options for translating a web page in your preferred browser or on your mobile device, and learn more about how to translate an entire site of your own.

Translation workflow automation blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Automate Your Translation Workflow: A Phrase Guide

The secret to faster global expansion lies in automating translation workflows to suit your business. Dive deeper into how the Phrase Localization Platform can help you unlock it.

Translation management blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

Translation Technology: A Look at Its Past, Present, and Future

Learn all about the evolution of translation technology, how it can help growing companies expand globally, and how to choose the right translation technology provider for your needs.

Translation management blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

CAT Tools: Unlocking the Potential of Computer-Assisted Translation for Global Growth

Learn why growing businesses utilize a computer-assisted translation tool for global expansion, what benefits it offers, and how to select the best CAT tool.



针对中国医药企业出海业务,AI 翻译技术将如何赋能专利与药品的本地化? 如果您对此话题感兴趣,欢迎观看直播分享!
