Phrase Strings 是一个字符串管理平台,

Phrase Strings 专为电子产品和软件(包括 app、网站和电子游戏等)本地化而生,
(Strings 深受开发者、产品设计师、产品经理、译员等人群喜爱。)

使用 Phrase Strings


Strings 可以自动导入和导出内容、创建翻译工作,并一站分发内容,减少人力投入。在开发时同步进行翻译,更快发行多语言产品,推出新功能。


Phrase Strings 是文本的唯一来源。Strings 平台的添加和分配项目功能、追踪项目进度功能和跨地区及团队协作功能让项目所有人轻松管理地整个翻译流程。远程更新 app 和网站功能则让分发多语言内容变得轻松写意,将产品第一时间送到全球用户的手中!


为了保证文本的质量和一致性,Strings 内置了可查看上下文的“视图编辑器”、Figma 预览和可自定义的 QA 标准。用户可一站移除损坏的语言文件、确保占位符和品牌术语使用正确。此外,用户还可自行创建和维护翻译记忆库和术语库,保持品牌语言调性的一致性。

用强大的 Phrase Strings API 自定义集成和 webhook,加快发布周期。我们集成的平台包括 GitHub、Figma、WordPress、Contentful,目前已发布 50 多种集成,您想要的我们全都有。

Zendesk logo (着色)| Phrase
富士胶片 logo (着色)| Phrase
Shopify logo colored for logo banner | Phrase


Phrase Localization Platform 在安全性、稳定性和性能方面遵循了行业最佳实践,我们遵守 ISO 27001、《支付卡行业数据安全标准》(PCI DSS)、亚马逊网络服务标准 (AWS)、《加州消费者隐私法案》(CCPA) 和《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR) 的原则和安全声明。我们的基础设施的复原能力和耐用性都是最佳(零停机部署和 99.9% 的正常运行时间),这也是我们对自己的要求。


符合 GDPR 标准

AWS 合作伙伴


We have now designed a process where Phrase allows us to have the content ready on our sites within 1 minute since the translators add or update their translations. We are saving an average of 48 hours on engineering time, each time we deploy a new feature.

Enrique Quilez

Localization Manager

The localization management process is so much more streamlined, which makes it much easier to release new versions and add new locales.

Thibaut Davoult

Growth Engineer

The thing that I have seen with Phrase and our translation management is specifically the ease with which it allows us to scale to additional languages.

Daniel Touchette

Group Product Manager


Global App Testing logo | Stripe logo | Deliveroo logo | Notion logo | Phrase logo | Phrase


Building a localization team: Things you can get right and wrong

Discover how to build a localization team that delivers serious value. Learn from renowned industry legends from Phrase, Deliveroo, Global App Testing, Notion, and Stripe.

Software localization guide featured image | Phrase

Blog post

The Complete Guide to Software Localization

Software localization is the process of adapting a web or mobile app to the culture and language of users in a target market. Learn more about how to make it work for your own software product.

Localization manager playbook ebook cover | Phrase


The definitive localization manager playbook

Gain valuable insights into best practices for localization from some of the most successful global businesses across industries. Explore the various ways to go about emphasizing the importance of localization within your organization, and build a strong localization strategy that will take you global.

Localization strategy blog category featured image | Phrase

Blog post

How to Improve Your Workflow for Correcting Translated UI Strings

UI strings can be hard to translate. Correcting them—even harder. Learn how a software localization platform can make your workflow a breeze.

App localization blog post featured image | Phrase

Blog post

App Localization: What It Is, and How to Make It Work

Mobile app localization is the process of adapting an app’s user interface and functionality for users in different target markets. Explore the most effective ways to make it work for your business.




New releases drive forward AI, Scalability, and Workflow for unparalleled hyperautomation in localization


Phrase 推出更多 AI 功能,加速本地化的超级自动化

新发布的功能推动了 AI、规模化应用和工作流的发展,引领本地化领域超级自动化。
