Yes. Phrase CLI offers you the whole Phrase API in your terminal. Please visit our documentation for more details.
Phrase integration for GitHub
Connect Phrase to your GitHub repository and deliver your software to global audiences in their own languages.
Eliminate manual work
Get rid of spreadsheets, adding new keys manually, or uploading and downloading files back and forth, by building an automated localization workflow right into your release cycle.
Achieve high reliability and performance
Adapt the integration to your development environment and workflow. Enjoy flexible configuration options to avoid bottlenecks and human errors.
Get the job done in a few simple steps
Phrase’s native GitHub integration makes localization effortless.
- Connect your GitHub repository with Phrase
- Push source files manually or via auto-import
- Translate using Phrase projects and jobs for seamless management
- Merge the “pull request” for translated files from your repository
Phrase by the numbers
uShip believes Phrase is the most developer-friendly and continuous-deployment-friendly solution on the market.
Here to field your questions on our GitHub integration
Phrase offers native GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket integrations. For other systems, our API in combination with our webhooks feature can provide ease in writing or setting up your own custom integration.
Phrase supports 50+ file formats for importing, exporting, and working within the API. You can find the complete list of supported formats in our documentation.