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Phrase launch week | December 6-13, 2023

Putting quality at the heart of automation

Unlock the true potential of AI and localization automation with our latest releases. From powerful quality capabilities, that drive greater automation at scale, to all new ways to access the Phrase Suite across your business. Leverage completely new translation quality scores you can rely on to build fully automated workflows. Our latest releases are paving the way for the future of localization automation.

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Unlock the true power of quality analysis

Introducing Phrase Quality Technologies

Phrase Quality Technologies is our new collective name for all our current and future quality-related capabilities. At the heart of the Phrase Quality Technologies is the newly developed Phrase Quality Performance Score (Phrase QPS). Our state-of-the-art AI uses the latest quality frameworks to assess translation accuracy and generate scores you can trust. You can leverage these scores to drive workflow automation and consistency across the entire Phrase Suite. With Phrase QPS you can now reduce risks, enhance automation, and make everything more transparent, efficient, and streamlined.

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Introducing the Phrase Portal

Secure and user-friendly, the Phrase Portal, powered by Phrase Language AI, gives every employee access to a high quality, company approved, machine translation solution. Localization teams can deliver a cost effective, reliable and fast translation solution that scales across the entire business.

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Phrase Data

Phrase Data enables you to export all of your localization metadata to any data warehouse. Your team of analysts can now review your localization metrics and performance in a wider business intelligence context to drive more informed strategic decisions.

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And there’s more!

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