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Solutions by use case

Collaborative localization

Bring all collaborators together on one platform to improve efficiency and productivity.

Solutions by use case | Phrase
G2 awards | Winter 2023 | Phrase
G2 4.6 stars rating | Phrase

Kickstart collaboration

Collaboration between different stakeholders has never been easier with our cloud-based platform that hosts a variety of great communication features and integrations.

Communication made easy

Increase transparency and reduce the need for communication by centralizing translation resources and jobs on one platform. Thanks to dashboards and notifications, stakeholders are always up to date on the status of their translation project. Linguists can add comments and mention colleagues discuss open questions.

Comments and collaboration visual | Phrase

Advanced user management

Limit access rights to what each person has to work on with our customizable user roles. This prevents any accidental changes, while ensuring transparency.

Access rights depending on user role | Phrase

Automated workflows

Set up an automated workflow for every use case. From designers needing translations in Figma, marketers wanting to boost their multilingual SEO with a translated blog, or the legal team needing specialized translation for contracts, Phrase offers the widest range of possible workflow automations on the market.

Explore workflow automation

Workflow automation visual | Phrase


Integrations for all departments

Content marketers, designers, and developers can stay in their favorite tools. Translatable content is synced to Phrase with our many integrations. Finished translations are synced back automatically.

Our impact

Phrase by the numbers

Less manually sent emails
Real-time updates

Working with 14 freelance translators became a breeze thanks to Phrase’s powerful collaboration features.

Enrique Quilez

Localization Manager

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Thanks to implementing Phrase we have successfully added 4 new languages to our application within 6 months. Implementing and maintaining translations is just a breeze and lets our developers focus on developing and translators focus on translating without any hiccups. We are now able to set up new languages whenever we want in no time!

Justin Dochez Kok

Marketing Officer

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We’re producing over 20 emails a week, and the platform ensures every single one is on-brand, localized, and responsive, without any engineering effort.

Megan Walsh

Global Head of Lifecycle Marketing

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Frequently asked questions

Here to field your questions on collaborative localization

In the Phrase interface, users can comment and mention colleagues (@username). The respective user is then notified automatically.
For stakeholders outside of Phrase, you can set up notifications via webhooks or use an integration. Phrase Strings, for example, offers the possibility to get updates posted automatically in a Slack channel or in Jira tickets.

When translators are assigned a new job, they receive automatic notifications. Jobs can also be assigned to several translators on a first-come, first-served basis. Once a translator accepts the job, it’s closed for others. Manual back and forth communication, which was previously the norm, is completely eliminated.

Any department. For some roles, we have specific features in our interface (translation management features for localization managers, linguistic features for translators, etc.). For other roles, we have dedicated integrations (integrations for designers, developers, marketers, support agents, or business analysts). All the departments can either use the submitter portal (where submitters get an instant quote and ETA for the content they submit for translation) or build a customized workflow with the help of our API.

Collaborative translation isn’t the same as crowdsourced translation. Today, crowdsourced translation is to a large extent replaced by machine translation. With machine translation quality ever increasing, there is less need for crowdsourcing. Content that needs to meet higher quality requirements is usually post-edited by professional translators.

The keys to unlocking language

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